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Racism In Games

A little while ago, there was a big uproar caused by footage of
Resident Evil 5. Some people were offended by the portraying of a white
person killing black people.

Racism, even today, is a big issue. We all know that there are people who hate others for their origin, skin color, all those things. We all know that this is, simply put, a "bad thing". However, I feel that there is a lot of hypocrisy in our society.
I, being white, can not imagine how it must feel for someone black if someone brings up that part of history and makes fun of it. I mean, I can try, but I will probably never fully feel the very same way. I always thought of everyone equal and that is how I treat everybody, regardless of who they are, where they come from, et cetera.

Imagine playing a Deathmatch in Unreal Tournament 3 online. You are in the middle of a hefty firefight, when someone who plays with the Othello-skin (a black man, for those who do not know) comes across. Do you hesitate pulling the trigger? Do you even think about the color of his skin? I sure don't, I just go for the kill. Do I feel bad? Probably, given that I just pwned some n00b. Aside from that? Not one bit.
What I mean is, people who kill virtual people with a different ethnic background than their own in a game are not racists (I would like to point out that I only address intelligent beings). We don't care who we give a headshot, beat in a race or fry with magic in PvP.

Of course, and that is sad, there actually are people who play special games to give in to their twisted view on the world. There are games made by racists just for the hell of killing foreigners. We, as Gamers, probably heard about them, but don't give a ****. When your only task is to kill black/jewish/whatever people and you actually enjoy it, something is wrong with you. Alas, those are - fortunately - very rare and are not an example for who we are.

Going back to the Resident Evil 5 thing. Do I approve killing black people? Yes I do. Mind you, in the same way I approved blasting heads off of hispanic people in Resident Evil 4 - they are zombies for god's sake! I don't care if you, my neighbor or my postman: When you become a zombie or an undead being of other sorts, I hope you get iced. If that happened in real life, don't you think we should do the same, i.e. stop the threat? Of course we should look for a cure as long as we can, but when they knock on our doors, damn, give 'em hell.

That being said - and I hope nobody got me wrong - there are mainstream games that grind my gears. Have you ever played Pokemon and did you see a black person? I played through every single edition to date and you can't tell me that all these continents don't at least have one single black person. The most dark skinned person I recall is Rocko and that's it. Why is that? I don't intend to start an outrage and go against Nintendo for not including non-white people in several of their main franchises(Mario? Animal Crossing?), since I had a lot of fun with them, but isn't it funny?

So, my first ever blog entry is over. Think about it, leave a comment, ignore my grammar mistakes since I'm not a native english speaker and most important of all, have fun!

And that, as they say, was that.

JoelR5984d ago

Well said, and well understood.

Mc Fadge5984d ago

That not including 'black' people in games is racist, therefore we need more games like this! All throughout my history of gaming I have killed countless 'white' people, far many more than 'black'. To be fair and equal, we need to kill more 'black' people in video games.

I completely agree with you <3

MorganX5983d ago

Have you ever played a Black Hero, killing a bunch of whites, in Alabama?

Racism is a social context. Whites are the majority and in reality, have never been the subject of racism and by definition cannot be. Sure, you can count the anectdotal stories of individual experience but that's not social racism.

It's like TV. Sure, there's bad images of whites on TV, but for every bad image there's 100 god ones. There's balance. Whereas the images of blacks on TV is predominantly negative which shapes social perception of the whole race.

MorganX5983d ago

There is racism in America. Obama had his office signs burned down and staff called racial slurs in PA. Vandalism of his office in Indiana. But, he still came within 20k votes of winning Indiana.

Point is, we won't eliminate all racism. It's just not going to happen. But it is so marginalized, it doesn't matter. Organized racism is like the polygamist sects. They're there, but so remote, unless they organize and go into the wrong area bringing attention to themselves, it's just something we live with.

So my question is, are games any worse than society? Right now I don't think so. I do thing there should always be a diverse range of skin choices when there are selectable characters and it would be nice if efforts were made to keep games race agnostic.

I mean, Gears of War, did great. Resident Evil 5, well, Japanese society is probably more racist than America right now. So yes, the scenario they created there is racist and a problem. A problem that could be eliminate simply by giving the option for a black main character selectable at the beginning of the game. That's all it would take.

Are games racists, in general no. Is Japanese culture racist against blacks, yes, and so there game will be. We should focus on the Japanese developers, not the industry.

And remember, developers probably have an easier time creating models that look like themselves. So we need to ask why more minorities aren't in the business as well. I have no problem with pointing out institutional racism, as long as the offended groups are doing their part to alleviate the issues as well.

Jinxstar5983d ago


1. Its a game. Honestly I will bet you dollars to cents that the first attack was not done by Mr. Redfield. I bet it was by the zombies and he is defending himself. Why not reverse the racism completely? I dont really see him going into the rooms and just go all out killing people unprovoked... The racism could easily go both ways.

2. Racial undertones? Well do we want equality? If so then this is the opposite of racism its equal opportunity zombie killing. If black people could not be zombies then how racist would that be?

3. Its not our story its Capcom's. I don't think they care to try and make a ton of white people in Africa. Also I bet you dollars to cents the last guy in game is probably gonna be a white guy controlling all these zombies and African political issues... so you get to kill the actual "Racist" if you will. Protecting those unfortunates in Africa... It's not a "genocide" game its a "Save the world" game. Always has been.

4. Racism has been overplayed way too much. What I am about to say will offend people. People stick to their own kinds and thats just fact. Sure I work with people of other color and background but guess what... 99% of my friends outside work are all white guys and girls. My best friend is dating a black guy. Rock on for her. He makes her happy so I am happy but he never brings up the racist junk. He never once has ever said "My people were oppressed" well damn how many people still alive in your family still remember being slaves in a field? How many of their great grand parents remember that? By playing the race card all the time it only feeds the fire. Jews alive today remember the holocaust. How many of them do you see Bi7ching about it? The Jewish people have been the most oppressed in history. Been slaves and slaughtered throughout history. I am not Jewish but I respect their history. The don't ever even mention this stuff and make the best of everything. I think that people play the race card as an excuse for inadequacy rather then a viable solution to whatever issue they have. in essence being lazy(I am not talking about blacks but anyone who tries this, French, Christians, Blacks, Hispanics, Whoever) and not providing a good solution instead.

All in all you can look at this game as racist but like Grumpy Mc Grump said in invisible walls this week. I felt the same way. When he watched the trailer the last thing in his thoughts was racism. I felt the same way. I thought "Wow, Cool environment, Very different, Looks like a cool story, Cant wait" The only thing I saw was this game bringing possible good. Showing the troubles of a region with Warlords and genocide and starvation and death and decay and maybe help put a spotlight on that to show people in general to pay attention... The last thing on my mind was racism. I felt if anything this will be a showcase for actual life and maybe make a statement that we need to help...

Here is the IW thing. I enjoy the show

Either way some people are set in their ways and there is no changing their minds. So whatever. I can't wait for this game. My biggest issue is that if it were a movie or book or comic there would be no publicity regarding this. Thats what gets me the most... There are many many racist games that are free on the internet. Hell look up "ethnic cleansing game" and see what I mean. This game I feel is if anything the opposite of racism... Once again that is just my opinion and I feel I backed it up somewhat well and open minded...

Please reply if you think I am wrong I would love other opinions...

MorganX5983d ago (Edited 5983d ago )

>>Rock on for her. He makes her happy so I am happy but he never brings up the racist junk. He never once has ever said "My people were oppressed" well damn how many people still alive in your family still remember being slaves in a field?<<

Do you know any black people who do that? Don't confuse media and politics with reality.

>>The Jewish people have been the most oppressed in history. Been slaves and slaughtered throughout history. I am not Jewish but I respect their history. The don't ever even mention this stuff and make the best of everything.<<

You've got to be kidding? Jews are dedicated to making sure no one forgets the 4-year Holocaust. It's just that your people aren't the one's who committed these heinous acts against you so it doesn't resonate like black/white racism. If any politician says anything about Jews, they're dead meat. I'm sure those of German and Middle-easter decent feel the complete opposite as you. We all experience life through personal filters based on who we are and what our life experience is.

>>The Jewish people have been the most oppressed in history.<<

Historically questionable but irrelevant. Jews have also always been a wealthy people, they have a homeland, etc. etc. One can argue which is more devastating. A limited event such as the Holocaust which is condemned by the world and the world saved you from, or centuries of slavery and dehumanization. The psychological wounds that lead people to loathe themselves. Racism is the effects are far more complex than people who bring it up are lazy.

You really can't tell if the whole RE game is racist becasue we haven't seen it. Is every black in the game to be killed? Are there different locations? All we've seen is a clip. A clip in my opinion, designed to see how far the developers could go with the controversial theme without getting into trouble.

Jinxstar5983d ago (Edited 5983d ago )

Point 1. Yes I do know them. I don't care about media or politics. However the fact that we have a black candidate for president and a woman in just awesome... However I don't care for either of their views but the fact that we have them running shows we are past that.

Point 2. Maybe the Jewish community but I have never heard a Jew really mention it or use it as an excuse for anything.

Point 3. I don't think it's really questionable. I can't think of another race that has been oppressed as much in history globally and domestically. I can understand its all about where you were brought up and all that but yeah. I am talking more from a person to person level. not a high up government/political one. I have had nothing but good manners and times with many of my Jewish friends who have never mentioned the holocaust or anything else. The same can't be said for other races who I have seen play the race card. I can give you examples. I was in the movie theater the other week. I live in Maryland a high black population here. We were sitting in front of a group of them. They were being loud and obnoxious and talking on phones and giving a crap about everyone else in the theater. I payed money to see something and enjoy it not listen to them. I told them to shut up and the reaction I got was "You got a problem with me cause I'm black?!" and all his friends pitched in as well. This is not a rare occourance for me or to see in Maryland. Needless to say I got my money back and got them kicked out and got a pair of free tickets. I have no problem with anyone due to skin color or religion or anything but the individual and due to my natural stereotyping I could tell they were gonna be an issue the minute I walked in the theater. As history repeats itself and people play the race card so the world turns my friend.

I agree with your opinion on racism but how many people out there see it that way. I think everyone makes natural stereotypes in their head. A white 20 year old woman walking down the street at night alone would probably be more afraid to see a group of black guys then white ones. It's nature. I agree with your statement "The psychological wounds that lead people to loathe themselves. Racism is the effects are far more complex than people who bring it up are lazy." Very well put but the truth is this Psychological condition is more likely from upbringing then from actual events that happened to them. Hell look at Die hard 3. "Who do we not want helping us? White people!" Its the same for whites and all races but the fact as I see it is that they... Maybe not Lazy being the right term but it's just an excuse for incompetence imho. Most people would never look at it as deeply as you or hopefully myself. They are superficial and use it as a "The man is keeping me down" which is crap. If a black guy and a woman can run for president. Race has nothing to do with you not getting ahead in life. It's your own inadequacies that keep you back. the playing of the race card is extremely common this day and age and i don't like it. Equality for all. None of this EO crap. Example. If a white guy a black guy and woman go to take a test for a job and one scores higher then the others I want that one for the job. Not be forced to higher one because of some stupid law. If they all score the same then it's interview time. Thats it. I get pissed by a lot of things. If whites had the WET network everyone would be up in arms. If we had a white heritage month instead of a hispanic one... Equality for all.

I do agree we have no clue what is up with RE5 but I was just saying my take and "history repeats itself" so I made an assumption on the game which will most likely be right. Still can't wait for it gonna be amazing in so many ways. =D

Jinxstar5983d ago (Edited 5983d ago )

Also bud do you know how many centuries the Jews were slaves for many people. The roman empire turned them to slaves, The Egyptian empire Turned them to Slaves, The Crusades turned them to slaves... Try this bud...

slavery is not new or unique to any one race. Nor do I feel it should have any bearing in this day and age as no one person alive today born and raised in the US was ever a slave. Nor has it been for many many years.

GutZ315983d ago

Every game is racist if you try and look for it.
Frogger can be racist, Super Mario of course can be racist, look anywhere you want and you can find racist things, its just a matter of perspective and wanting to find it.
If your looking for something to b!tch about, you sure will find it, and because multi racial demographs are in games alot more, its just getting easier and easier to use as ammo.

When I say frogger can even be racist, you can say that all the cars are driven by white people, or that there are no black frogs, or something else.
Unfortunately for my self, I've actually heard crap like this from some people.

MorganX5983d ago

I think RE5 is a unique situation. It's not just blacks, it's in Africa, becasue that's where the "infection" started, made by Japanese who's culture is probably more racist right now than American's.

The question shoud be is RE5 racists. Given the totality, yes, in my opinion. Is it racist enough not to play it, not on its face. Have to see what else is in the game. Probably not though. Are games in general racist? Well America definitely has racists who dedicate their lives to the Aryan cause and wear swastika's everyday. That is fact. Can you say all white people are racist? Of course not. And neither are games, in general.

LJWooly5983d ago

But what other race of zombie are you going to be killing in an African communityconsisting completely of black people? Are you going to avoid all the black zombies, in search for the elusive white ones?

Thinking that Resi 5 is racist is a little racist in itself, if you get what I'm trying to say.

Alexander Roy5983d ago

"Thinking that Resi 5 is racist is a little racist in itself, if you get what I'm trying to say."
You just summed up my whole text in one sentence. Thank you.

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ThinkThink6h ago

I feel like it would be something for Infinite like every halo map from 1 through 5. That or an ODST remake in unreal engine 5.

Yama11m ago

They could barely get a handful of dev made maps out for that game within a few years, every Halo map isn’t happening. I’m not arguing it shouldn’t, but they simply aren’t capable of anything worth anything at this rate.

piroh3h ago

"What Could Xbox Be Planning For Halo’s Anniversary?"

Probably releasing new Halo for PS5😃

M_Prime2h ago

Microsoft has been dropping the HALO ball lately, best i can see is releasing the master chief collection on PS5. On XBOX they don't have much left to do with Halo. I mean Infinite is in an okay state but its not stellar, they could bring split screen co-op though (make it series X exclusive)

isarai1h ago

I would play tf outta the MCC on ps5, grew up on that trilogy, and id love to hit the mp again with my best friend


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